- 10:11 Our flatmate took a lot of stuff when he left yesterday & never came home. Said hello, but not goodbye. I wonder if he moved out.. #
- 10:55 @Gomisan Oooh. That sucks. #
- 10:57 @teleksterling They just kind of happen once you start getting chatty yourself. (Look - here's another one for you!) #
- 10:59 @caffeinebomb I have to add he's been a great housemate. It's more like knowing someone in the same apartment block. We say hi & that's it. #
- 17:35 Bâtiments : Buildings #
- 20:57 I'm really not used to daylight in the evenings which doesn't go hand in hand with warm weather. 9pm still sunny - bloody freezing. #
Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments