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     Thursday, April 30, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 10:11 Our flatmate took a lot of stuff when he left yesterday & never came home. Said hello, but not goodbye. I wonder if he moved out.. #
    • 10:55 @Gomisan Oooh. That sucks. #
    • 10:57 @teleksterling They just kind of happen once you start getting chatty yourself. (Look - here's another one for you!) #
    • 10:59 @caffeinebomb I have to add he's been a great housemate. It's more like knowing someone in the same apartment block. We say hi & that's it. #
    • 17:35 Bâtiments : Buildings #
    • 20:57 I'm really not used to daylight in the evenings which doesn't go hand in hand with warm weather. 9pm still sunny - bloody freezing. #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Wednesday, April 29, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 11:58 I wish Facebook would stop messing with the status feed. #
    • 12:35 Testing Filesocial by sharing a Rocky Horror script with added call-outs that I like. :) - #
    • 14:59 RT @nav_een RT @mayormiller: City Council meeting today. On Rogers; City Clerk will tweet items, motions adopted, etc. <- Now THAT's useful #
    • 18:06 'Le Mouv' Radio is cool. When you hear a song played you can instantly find it listed and available to buy here #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Tuesday, April 28, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 09:56 Listening to the unavoidable banging sounds of progress (which started during my French lesson -grr). #
    • 10:48 Reading: "Malwebolence - The World of Web Trolling -" ( #
    • 11:15 @annstark Well, not a sign I would ignore, anyway. :) #
    • 11:47 Wow. When it rains here it REALLY rains. I feel like I'm inside a fish tank that works backwards. #
    • 11:53 @LibrarianIdol I was wondering that. I think Mal Webb should just write a song called Malwebbolence. :) #
    • 14:42 RT @Alltop Complete coverage of swine flu news at #
    • 15:36 There was a slight cinnamon explosion in the kitchen - I've never before smelt so tasty.. and I keep feeling the need to bake apples. #
    • 17:33 RT @Warrenellis Swine flu reaches Australia: Australians unsure how to deal with something they cant fuck, drink, deport or barbecue #
    • 21:24 I narrowed down this fortnight's photos from 600 to 300.. But it's easier to just upload them than to keep culling. *Bans Bruce from camera* #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Monday, April 27, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 10:26 Er, I'm pretty sure the tradey that just showed up at my door just suggested that we have sex. In Spanish. With hand actions. *creeped out* #
    • 10:58 @katiehog I'm sure he was sent here by my landlord to clean up the driveway (as he said). But, then it just got weird. And very creepy. #
    • 11:00 @DeadPlayground Do I want to know what that means? *Googles* Oh. I really didn't. (Damn Google). #
    • 14:07 @timelady Or, in fact, cheesecakes, sci-fi, iPhones or anything but the LabF site. :P #LabF #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Sunday, April 26, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 15:22 Just joined a twibe. Visit to join #
    • 15:23 I hate that to join Twibes you have to tweet. It put me off for a long time and it definitely puts me off joining many. #
    • 17:32 @Sirjohn_writer Small world - I've met the author (Petra Rankin) and I was at her book launch. Awesome girl (and her book is a good read). #
    • 19:49 @RadSpectacular You are awesome. Yay for publicity!!! Is it on Youtube?? I wanna see! #
    • 19:51 My mouth is still drooling at the awesomeness that was my dinner: Baked chicken w oregano & lemon, grilled eggplant, zuchinni, chevre etc. #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Saturday, April 25, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 10:39 Sorting out real followers from spammers would be much easier if Twitter could show you bio/following/follower/amount of posts/recent posts. #
    • 10:40 I mean, the bio is shown on hover. Why not have that shown inline and have recent posts (Power Twitter-style) on hover? #
    • 10:42 .. Or maybe this is a job for Power Twitter?? (PS I hope Twitter eventually joins forces with PT) #
    • 11:12 @vampSaam Not really what I was thinking.. :) #
    • 12:22 @Gomisan I try to do the same, but my followers are increasing more rapidly than I have time to check them. It's daunting. #
    • 12:23 @DeathbyChii Okay, now you have to tell us about the bird. :P #
    • 14:19 @DeathbyChii Wow. I think you and @beyondomega really should be introduced. Bring on the crazy bird stories. :) #
    • 15:40 An unattended GPS in the hallway just woke up and told me to turn right after 80 metres. I wonder where it wants me to go.. o_0 #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Friday, April 24, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 10:42 @DeadPlayground Not actually in Paris. Same country, though. Anyway, I'm originally an Adelaidean so I'm not all that foreign to you. :) #
    • 10:44 @PeyrenegreGites Ah, yes. According to Wikipedia it's either giving lilies, protesting. Lilies sounds nicer, I think. ;) #
    • 11:41 RT @antonvowl Naked Swedish men dancing with small plates #
    • 12:20 @stageplay Karl Jenkins is awesome. I'm a huge fan of "The Armed Man" and "Requiem". :) #
    • 19:33 @stageplay I love it all. I really want to perform in the choir one day while "The Armed Boy" (the movie that goes with it) is played. :) #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Thursday, April 23, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 09:19 .. And a bleary good morning to you all. Wish I knew how to sleep in sometimes. #
    • 09:54 @vampSaam I've been asking @thornae for 'sleeping in' lessons for ages. He sleeps through them. :P #
    • 10:58 I'm forcing myself to listen to French commercial radio for the French practise. It's surprising how much English music is played. #
    • 13:39 Ayo - I can distinctly hear them change a line to "This is virgin radio". Not in the lyrics. Subliminal advertising? #
    • 13:53 @vampSaam Ça va mal. Je déteste la radio commerciale. #
    • 14:22 @fredharrison I think it's only changed for Virgin radio, so you won't hear it on a CD. It's possibly also only for non-English countries. #
    • 14:24 @fredharrison Oh, and it's the second to last line of the chorus (in case anyone in France wants to listen sometime). #
    • 18:14 Wow. It's nearly Mayday again. Does anything happen in France on Mayday? Do expat Morris dancers come out to play? #
    • 18:48 @helenthornber Do freelancers get to eat the whole cake? #cakefriday #
    • 20:07 @unipede Haha. But of course the French would have Maurice Dancers. Why didn't I think of that? :P #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Wednesday, April 22, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 10:18 @timelady That's so awesome. I love teh intarwebs. #
    • 10:33 Oh god. People looking at the house this afternoon instead of Saturday. No notice! Time for a very quick cleanup!! #
    • 12:39 RT @codinghorror: Twenty years later, even in OS X, the Macintosh still has a little bit of a Swedish campground in it. #
    • 17:30 Wondering if I should unfollow celebrities and businesses who don't follow back (and instead add them as imaginary friends on Friendfeed). #
    • 17:45 @ikki_oo I was meaning more like the businesses/celebrities who don't follow anyone, since I know they're never going to reciprocate. #
    • 17:46 @ikki_oo Oh, and thanks! :D #
    • 17:54 @jasonbstanding The problem is I've hit the limit and can't follow anyone else. Plus, I will still get their content in FF. #
    • 17:57 Or maybe Twitter should reconsider the following/follower ratio limit now there are many businesses and celebrities that don't follow back. #
    • 18:13 @jasonbstanding I was quite happy with them not following me until Twitter stopped me from following anyone else. Now it's a problem. #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Tuesday, April 21, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 09:51 @rlamfink Sugg. for to only show people who aren't following me and are stale. Also an "Uncheck All" button. Thanks! #
    • 09:56 Just joined a twibe. Visit to join #
    • 10:00 Just joined a twibe. Visit to join #
    • 10:01 Just joined a twibe. Visit to join #
    • 10:08 RT @fredharrison Just joined some kind of strange cult. Please call my wife if things get too weird. - Hehe! #
    • 13:43 @gascony I was thinking the same about you. :) #
    • 15:25 RT @DawudMiracle Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. -- Thoreau #
    • 20:15 ♬ I've often been told that you only can do what you know how to do well. And that's 'Be you'. Be like yourself. Do what you like. *sings* ♬ #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Monday, April 20, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 10:07 Realising that (yet again) I will have to wear a warm, comfy jumper or freeze to bits. I'm really looking forward to not needing them. #
    • 10:09 @dryfter That's awful. Hope you're okay. #
    • 10:38 Woohoo! I have Ruddbucks! #
    • 12:33 @opheliatudeaux If you earned under the threshold it will be paid automatically the same way as your 2007-08 tax return was. :D #
    • 12:34 @vampSaam Heh. That's looking mighty attractive right now. #
    • 15:40 There are way too many awesome festivals in Europe over the next few months. Impossible to do all of them - but I plan to do several. :) #
    • 21:47 @markhawker Thanks! I'll take a look. #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Saturday, April 18, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 23:55 I'm all out of bubblegum.. #
    • 08:38 Awesome - I just found a list of all the ABC/TripleJ twitter accounts. #
    • 08:44 @justin_dirose @tradinggoddess Heh, sorry. I was quoting from "They live". I don't usually have bubblegum. :) #
    • 08:48 @teedubya - These guys r lame. CU here to kick arse in 20min? Knights FTW! KTHXBAI! #
    • 17:33 @geechee_girl Love your new pic! :D #
    • 19:12 I've had the BEST day touring around gorgeous towns and forests, stopping to eat fabulous food - All with my favourite person. I love life! #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Friday, April 17, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 23:38 DOCTOR WHO: Elderly man serially abducts young women. Uncomfortable Plot Summaries: - All good except the Neil-bashing. #
    • 11:22 RT @bbctech A Swedish court convicts four men behind The Pirate Bay - 1 year in jail #
    • 11:55 @RadSpectacular it's short for "Re-Tweet". It's become the norm for spreading the best tweets, using @name to mention who said it. :) #
    • 15:01 #FollowFriday English-speaking girls in non-English speaking European places (like me): @pipstar @raiha @Hypnosisjen @katiehog #
    • 15:53 I love this CSS is Awesome mug *wants* #
    • 21:12 @pink_soprano But.. cookies! #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Thursday, April 16, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 07:30 RT @Urbanhipster Slow and steady misses the deadline. #
    • 09:20 @Dramagirl You just made me really hungry.. That looks great! #
    • 13:50 Skype, why do you make it so hard to change paypal accounts? Paypal, why can't I have accounts from two countries on the same account? :( #
    • 20:35 @alexiskold I love Glue - and I love finding other people who use it. #
    • 20:57 This day is over. Time for Buffy :) #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Wednesday, April 15, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 09:27 Just took my 50th mugshot! #
    • 11:13 Watching the rain pour and contemplating lighting a fire. #
    • 16:54 I swear I'm in Melbourne not Southern France. It rained all morning then went nice and sunny - now it's bucketing down and thundery. *loves* #
    • 17:00 Whoah. Huge, loud lightning & thunder right overhead. Kind of freaky.. #
    • 20:55 "Good Night and Good Luck" is an awesome movie, but I recommend all journalists watch it especially. #journalism #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Tuesday, April 14, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 11:21 Awesome. iTunes 8.1 is still crashing when I sync my nano, but it's taken up wiping the ratings I've given stuff too. Grr! #
    • 11:33 @walkingmusicman France is excellent. It's beautiful, the people are lovely and the food is delicious. I'm not going to regret moving here! #
    • 11:40 RT @zaibatsu I just interviewed Michael '#Mikeey' Mooney, author of the '#StalkDaily' #Twitter worm #mikeyy #
    • 11:44 @zaibatsu @mrbabyman Nice interview :D #
    • 16:08 Late afternoon crash.. Must add coffee. #
    • 16:38 Awesome coffee, iPod playing tunes with laptop out the back in the sunshine. Perfect (except I can't see the screen). #
    • 20:43 Two awesome things: 1) The pool is warmer than my loungeroom. 2) Despite lack of ingredients I can make a very good Thai red duck curry. #
    • 21:30 @grantimahara - Note that there's not a new bullet point about the noodles. How often do you think they find hu ... #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Monday, April 13, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 09:04 Public holidays aren't quite as exciting when you're a freelancer. But, the boy is making me a roast lunch. :D #
    • 10:07 Dammit. For a second there I had the mikeyy thing, too. I hope it's still just a cookie issue. Logged out. Deleted cache. Avoiding Twitter. #
    • 11:37 Check out: "Twitter Worm Woes Continue, Fourth Round Of Attacks By Mickeyy" ( #
    • 15:26 Time for a kitchen adventure - Making my own water crackers and then turning half of them into these. Mmmm. *drools* #
    • 19:28 RT @rejects RT @slashfilm: Everyone should watch this stop motion animated short #
    • 20:08 @jakrose That was scary. At least they're, uh, exercising. :/ #
    • 20:20 @jakrose Maybe he'll turn out better for being so embarrassed about it. We can only hope. *still disturbed* #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Saturday, April 11, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 09:13 @dacort I did the same yesterday! Would be great if TweetDeck let you search for names to add to groups. Trawling the list is painful. #
    • 09:25 @chris_stevenson - I guess it was pretty good soup. :D #
    • 10:41 Oooh dangerously good. RT @pahlkadot Addicted to this. Must stop. #
    • 16:52 @vampSaam @pahlkadot But it's such a good waste of time :D #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Friday, April 10, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 09:55 Heading out for a whirlwind sight-seeing tour of Agen with the guests. #
    • 11:31 Aww. Guests are off on their way. Hope they don't kill themselves by driving on the wrong side of the road (again). Crazy Australians. :) #
    • 19:04 It's pouring with rain, I've got a fire going, dinner is ready and my husband is just about to get home. It doesn't get better than this! #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Thursday, April 09, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 08:11 Starting another fantabulous day. #
    • 13:16 @pinkelephantpun I think you've been eating the wrong food. :/ #
    • 17:18 Er, What the? Seriously. Things people do to be famous online never fails to amaze. This memory will never leave me. #
    • 17:28 @erickschonfeld @frankstrovel Thanks for sharing the story about Associated Press's stupidity. Remarkable effort on their part. *facepalm* #
    • 18:32 Woohoo - Our first international guests are almost here! #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Wednesday, April 08, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 08:34 Thinking it's funny that I created my new twitter background in html. I was just messing around and thought it'd work. html = new photoshop? #
    • 10:25 Um, isn't the point of Seesmic desktop to be able to integrate Seesmic with Twitter? Why can't I do that? #
    • 17:24 RT @tweetpenguin I'm expanding my social network (you can too): Interest: #Geeking #
    • 17:46 Tonight I'm going to make sure I remember to eat dinner. Honest. *frowns* #
    • 23:13 Oh wow. I've just watched one of the most amazing TV series I've ever seen in my life. #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Tuesday, April 07, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 07:37 Soon to have my first French lesson via Skype. :D #
    • 07:59 Outside my window dawn is breaking through pouring rain. #
    • 08:18 @lexiphanic Well, I'm in France actually. The Finland plans got changed in favour of securing employment for Bruce. But France is cool, too! #
    • 09:35 @lexiphanic Agen's really lovely actually. It has a river, a canal and lots of old buildings & I get heaps of birds and squirrels visiting. #
    • 09:37 @randulo Thanks - I was thinking of giving English lessons online after I do a TEFL/TESOL/EFL/ESL course. Soon, just for extra cash. #
    • 09:38 @timelady Awesome! Go Dr Paul and his shoe phone! #
    • 12:45 @prettyredwater I'll almost definitely get around to putting up pics later today (tomorrow at worst). Promise :D #
    • 12:46 @timelady I know. Paul does genius things every day, but the world thinks he's cool because of a shoe phone. Crazy! #
    • 17:03 When I was driving once I saw this painted on a bridge: "I don't want the world. I just want your half." *sings* #
    • 18:35 @prettyredwater Uploading pics now just because you hassled me. :P #
    • 19:53 I'm not going to Flickr spam all my 365 pics, but I will show you the pizza because it was GREAT. #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Monday, April 06, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 11:55 I'm really looking forward to having guests this weekend! #
    • 13:37 I've bought things I needed, exercised, got my iPod syncing again, eaten an awesome sandwich, made pizza dough and I'm now about to work. #
    • 17:48 The new Friendfeed is cool, but Friendfeed isn't very useful until more people join (imaginary friends = effort) #
    • 17:50 @jangles Heh, yes. New Friendfeed surprisingly looks a lot like Twitter. Why aren't SN web designers creative anymore? #
    • 20:30 The pizza that has just about finished cooking smells soooooo good. #
    • 21:48 Mmm. First time making pizza dough from scratch. It was awesome. There's no way I could screw that up more, yet it was fantastic. *beams* #
    • 22:40 @katykat Volunteer at the NFF - you meet awesome people. (PS Wine bars are the best jobs) #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Sunday, April 05, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 08:08 @pressdarling @lexiphanic the #fb tag is for the Selective Twitter Facebook app. #
    • 08:11 @ZombieTweets That's one of my favourite jokes. :D #
    • 08:22 @stilgherrian Not right. But.. chocolate. Where's the bad? #
    • 08:22 RT @ZombieTweets RT @rockhate @ZombieTweets The zombie stopped eating the clown because it tasted funny ... #zombies #zombiejokes #
    • 08:37 Check out: "Life Minus Me! PageZipper - Life's too short to spend clicking "Next"" ( #
    • 09:01 That's a pretty comprehensive definition. I like it. #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Saturday, April 04, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 09:20 @maxsummers I really have to start watching Dollhouse by the looks of it. Yay! More Joss! #
    • 10:18 @pipstar Doh!!! #
    • 10:30 Warning to windows users with 3rd or 4th Gen iPod Nano - Don't upgrade to iTunes 8.1 (yet)! #
    • 20:04 @Pistachio Now you've made me all interested in phenomenology. Thanks! #
    • 21:27 Maybe if I tweet my husband will see it and come back downstairs. #iloveyou #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Friday, April 03, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 17:46 Some very awesome tweeps @timminchin @jasonbstanding @chris_stevenson @timelady @unklehank #FollowFriday #
    • 18:32 @itsonlywords That's exactly why I've never done Follow Friday until today. But I figure I have a lot of Fridays left in my life. #
    • 19:51 Right. Time to freak out little kiddies with a magic show. #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Thursday, April 02, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 20:12 Dammit. I hear "Loser" start up and I expect it to go polka on me. My mind is warped. #
    Automagically posted by LoudTwitter

    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments

     Wednesday, April 01, 2009

    Daily Tweets
    • 17:11 I had never heard of Poisson d'Avril until two kids tried to tape a picture of a fish to my back today. :D #
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    Posted at 11:30 PM # | Comments