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     Wednesday, August 18, 2010

    Facebook Fan Page, Twitter accounts etc.
    It's been a while since I last updated everyone on the best ways to keep track of me online. So, here's a massive update.

    For starters, is where I point people in the direction of all my blogs and profiles on social networks I use. It also explains them all a bit. is a blog for both myself and Bruce to keep friends and family in the loop. How regularly we get to updating it is another question. :)

    To see a lifestream of all my stuff: is the prettiest. also shows Bruce's updates.

    If you like RSS feeds, here is the best RSS feed for my friends, Basically, it pulls in all the best stuff I do around the web (and filters out the rest). It collects personal and professional blog posts, the very best photos, videos, book reviews, movie reviews and a few status updates. If any new blogs get added to my portfolio, they'll automatically get added to the feed.

    Smange Facebook Fan PageI also thought I should let you all know that I've started writing for MakeUseOf and several other vaguely professional blogs. To collect my writing back into one place, I've made a Facebook Fan Page to collect all my best professional writing, including my work at MakeUseOf, NetSavoir, Vegemite Croissant, Stage Left Events, Bootstrap Your Life and more. Please feel free to "like" the Facebook Fan Page in order to keep updated.

    The posts that go to the Facebook fan page won't go to my private Facebook account, so there won't be any overlap.

    If Twitter is more your thing, I have many different accounts you might like to follow:
    @Smange - This is where I actually Tweet. This covers a lot of different interests and activities, but is generally interesting.

    @Smange_updates - This is similar to the RSS feed, with links to personal and professional blog posts, video, movie and book reviews. Maybe the occasional photo, but not too many. Some people send these things to their main twitter account, but I figure it's best to split it up so people can choose.

    @AngelaAlcorn - This updates followers with links to my best professional writing.

    @Netsavoir, @OzCroissant, @BootstrapLife, @StageLeftEvents - These accounts tell followers when there's new posts from the each said blog, plus the occasional related link that readers of the blog might be interested in.

    Hope there's something useful for you in that bundle of information and you can now easily keep track of my posts whichever way suits you best. :)

    Posted at 10:03 AM #

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