Last night was fantastic!! Bruce had absolutely no idea that he was not
going out for a romantic dinner with me, but was in fact meeting fifty
or so family and friends for a surprise birthday party. Tee hee. It was
awesome. :)
It looked like everyone was having a good time.. but, most importantly,
Bruce had a great time. It's gone down in history as the best moment of
his life. Sweet! Oscar has it all recorded as mpeg so I will be sharing
that around later for everyone's amusement. *grin*
I'm still bouncing off the walls feeling pretty proud of myself and
Bruce is still grinning ear to ear. So, all in all things are great!
I'm so glad I could do that for him. Bruce is most deserving of nice
things happening to him and of many nice friends.. and last night proved
that he was destined to have much of both. Yay! Thank you to everyone
who turned up - and thank you to everyone who helped!
I'm now sitting at work tired and worn out.. but so happy. Life is
Edit: Bruce has now posted about it here :)
Posted at 2:39 AM #