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     Saturday, May 28, 2005

    Sillies from: I used to believe
    More from I used to believe

    When I was young my father told me that it was his job to pull the MGM Lion's tail and make him roar. I believed that for years and even bragged to my friends about it.
    Raised in the 60's


    I used to think that my grandparents were a lonely old couple that used to come and visit my family because they had no children of their own.


    When I was young I could never figure out why I couldn't see the bunnies in the river. My parents would always look at the river and comment about how fast the rabbits were (rapids).

    When I was little, I heard some kind of commercial that mentioned a "menstrual cycle". I got very excited because I thought it was some kind of bicycle. First you ride a tricycle, then training wheels, then a two wheeler, then a menstrual cycle. I soon learned the truth when I asked my dad for a "menstrual cycle" for my birthday at age 9.


    I used to believe that mirrors reflected everything, so if you threw a rock at a mirror it would bounce off leaving the mirror unscathed.


    Diana, Princess of Wales, was a confusing title to a seven year old girl. Unaware that Wales was part of the UK, I thought she was princess of the big, underwater mammals. I wanted to be Princess of Dolphins.

    Posted at 8:39 AM #

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